Dawn of Discovery™ Venice, also known as Anno 1404 - Venice is unique & award winning combination of construction, economy, discovery, diplomacy & combat.
The game now offers multiplayer support, more adventures, new buildings, new quests and plenty of customizable content in order to go even further in gaming entertainment.
The ADD-ON ANNO 1404 is grandiose, improved, larger, innovative, living, and now allow you to share this experience with friends.
Main Features :
- Play Anno 1404 in multiplayer and online : Up to 4 players. Choose to play versus or coop with other players.
- A totally improved environment to be played: the venetian outpost : Meet Giacomo Garibaldi, a member of the Venetian Council of Ten. Build an armada and take advantage of two new Venetian ships. Develop secret cabinets, infiltrate your enemies and sabotage their expansion. Take control over a city thanks to your influence in the cities’ council board.
- New challenges and quests! : Up to 300 new quests with two new types: trading race and ship boarding. Discover and exploit a new type of island, the Volcano Island. New islands to build giant cities. New scenarios to face new challenges New achievements, medals and crests.